European Mouflon Hybrid Ewe Lamb

European Mouflon Hybrid Ewe Lamb

  • REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
  • Name: Alex
  • Posted: 05/15/2013
  • Location: Arizona
  • ID #9198
If you have an interest in improving the genetic diversity of your sheep herd now is a great opportunity. Purebred European Mouflons are hard to find in Arizona and to my knowledge I am the only person who has imported them otni the state.

The Mouflon is believed to be the 'wild' ancestor of all domesticated sheep. As I understand it, originally these sheep were found in the mountainous regions of Anatolia and then were introduced to the Greek islands, eventually ending up in continental Europe. Today, wild Moulfon can be found in Iraq and Iran. They're most distinguishable feature is their large impressive horns.

Comparing a Mouflon to a domesticated sheep, is like comparing a wolf to a German Shepherd. Most people know that German Shepherds are over bred, which has caused the breed to suffer. The same thing is true with America's stock bred sheep. But Mouflons are extremely disease resistant with little problems with parasites, in fact they have little health problems at all. They've never been farmed industrially and they've been allowed to retain their natural vitality.

And it doesn't hurt that they're gorgeous, too.

My intentions are to breed Mouflon hybrids. A cross between my purebred Mouflon and domesticated ewes. The resulting babies will retain some of the desirable domesticated qualities of their moms from centuries of farm use, but will also receive a healthy vigorous set of genes courtesy of dad. I am focusing for now on these crosses will be very valuable to sheep farmers who want to liven up their livestock.

This season I only have one lamb ewe available. Her father is 100% pure Mouflon from Canadian zoo stock originally imported from the Netherlands. Her dam is a docile mixed breed sheep and an excellent mother.

She is healthy and active. She has been supplemented with electrolytes, vitamins, and received an injection of Selenium/Vitamin E. As you can see in the photos her appearance most resembles her sire. She is a sweet baby and is available to a special loving home. If you're interested in her you may put a deposit down and she can stay with her mom to be naturally raised or you may take her and bottle feed her yourself. Bottle feeding will allow her to become more familiar with humans become more of a pet. Without being hand reared she will retain more of the qualities of her partial wild ancestry.

I would prefer she went to a home that has an interest in breeding her, as her babies crossed with domesticated sheep will produce healthy, vigorous lambs. However, she would make a very unique pet or a beautiful 'lawn ornament'. Very used to being around dogs and other animals. Loves my cat!

Please contact me if interested. She is $200.


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